Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Bang Bang! Survival training: Day 3

Nice early start again, my favourite! Today wasn't as bad as I imagined it would be. The thought of losing my fingers to frost bite and dreams of getting my head wedged between two slabs of ice were just exaggerations of the trials ahead. 

We started off in the shooting range for rifle training. Kieran lovingly filmed me today because I forgot to put an SD card in my camera (whoops! I'll get this right eventually.) We were taught all the parts of the gun and how to: load, half load, and shoot them safely. Videos will follow. 

So here my rifle sight had come loose. This meant I needed a whole new rifle. While we all waited for my new gun to arrive I decided a quick pose was in order. The awkward part was when I got the new rifle and had to load it again in front of everyone really quickly, but at the same time doing all the safety checks. My hands were so cold! Later on we were all taught how to shoot flares to scare off polar bears. The rule is: if the bear comes closer than 35 meters you have to shoot to kill. Not the nicest of images, but that's how you save lives.

On the way home we got a sneaky picture in with Kierans fancy camera, He was showing off the GPS feature. (I think he secretly wanted to take a selfie)

The final part of today was how to put a camp together. We were shown how to light a mini stove using one of these bottles of liquid fire.

I'm quite the poser

After we were finished outside putting up the tent and trip wire made for bears (which apparently only work 50% of the time!) we came in and had a nice warm cup of hot chocolate, which I think was well deserved. 
Just in from building tents

Been a tiring day so I'm off to bed now :)


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